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Photoelectric radial velocities, Paper XIII - 406 ninth-magnitude K0 stars in the Clube Selected Areas Radial velocities are given for 406 ninth-magnitude late-type stars. Thestars are grouped in 10 small regions located on a systematic plan atGalactic latitudes of + or - 35 deg. Each star has been observed atleast twice, and the mean velocities are accurate to about less than 1km/s. Thirty spectroscopic binaries have been discovered; orbits havealready been given for 13 of them, and observations of the others arecontinuing.
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Наблюдательные данные и астрометрия
Созвездие: | Змај |
Прямое восхождение: | 16h50m49.29s |
Склонение: | +56°19'47.7" |
Видимая звёздная величина: | 8.146 |
Расстояние: | 1298.701 парсек |
Собственное движение RA: | -4.5 |
Собственное движение Dec: | -1.7 |
B-T magnitude: | 9.977 |
V-T magnitude: | 8.298 |
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