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HD 91637



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AGB variables and the Mira period-luminosity relation
Published data for large-amplitude asymptotic giant branch variables inthe Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are re-analysed to establish theconstants for an infrared (K) period-luminosity relation of the formMK = ρ[logP - 2.38] + δ. A slope of ρ = -3.51+/- 0.20 and a zero-point of δ = -7.15 +/- 0.06 are found foroxygen-rich Miras (if a distance modulus of 18.39 +/- 0.05 is used forthe LMC). Assuming this slope is applicable to Galactic Miras we discussthe zero-point for these stars using the revised Hipparcos parallaxestogether with published very long baseline interferometry (VLBI)parallaxes for OH masers and Miras in globular clusters. These result ina mean zero-point of δ = -7.25 +/- 0.07 for O-rich Galactic Miras.The zero-point for Miras in the Galactic bulge is not significantlydifferent from this value.Carbon-rich stars are also discussed and provide results that areconsistent with the above numbers, but with higher uncertainties. Withinthe uncertainties there is no evidence for a significant differencebetween the period-luminosity relation zero-points for systems withdifferent metallicity.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

Secular Evolution in Mira Variable Pulsations
Stellar evolution theory predicts that asymptotic giant branch (AGB)stars undergo a series of short thermal pulses that significantly changetheir luminosity and mass on timescales of hundreds to thousands ofyears. These pulses are confirmed observationally by the existence ofthe short-lived radioisotope technetium in the spectra of some of thesestars, but other observational consequences of thermal pulses are subtleand may only be detected over many years of observations. Secularchanges in these stars resulting from thermal pulses can be detected asmeasurable changes in period if the star is undergoing Mira pulsations.It is known that a small fraction of Mira variables exhibit largesecular period changes, and the detection of these changes among alarger sample of stars could therefore be useful in evolutionary studiesof these stars. The American Association of Variable Star Observers(AAVSO) International Database currently contains visual data for over1500 Mira variables. Light curves for these stars span nearly a centuryin some cases, making it possible to study the secular evolution of thepulsation behavior on these timescales. In this paper we present theresults of our study of period change in 547 Mira variables using datafrom the AAVSO. We use wavelet analysis to measure the period changes inindividual Mira stars over the span of available data. By making linearfits to the period versus time measurements, we determine the averagerates of period change, dlnP/dt, for each of these stars. We findnonzero dlnP/dt at the 2 σ significance level in 57 of the 547stars, at the 3 σ level in 21 stars, and at the level of 6 σor greater in eight stars. The latter eight stars have been previouslynoted in the literature, and our derived rates of period change largelyagree with published values. The largest and most statisticallysignificant dlnP/dt are consistent with the rates of period changeexpected during thermal pulses on the AGB. A number of other starsexhibit nonmonotonic period change on decades-long timescales, the causeof which is not yet known. In the majority of stars, the periodvariations are smaller than our detection threshold, meaning theavailable data are not sufficient to unambiguously measure slowevolutionary changes in the pulsation period. It is unlikely that morestars with large period changes will be found among heretoforewell-observed Mira stars in the short term, but continued monitoring ofthese and other Mira stars may reveal new and serendipitous candidatesin the future.

Beobachtungssergebnisse Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Veraenderliche Sterne e.V.
Not Available

Reprocessing the Hipparcos data of evolved stars. III. Revised Hipparcos period-luminosity relationship for galactic long-period variable stars
We analyze the K band luminosities of a sample of galactic long-periodvariables using parallaxes measured by the Hipparcos mission. Theparallaxes are in most cases re-computed from the Hipparcos IntermediateAstrometric Data using improved astrometric fits and chromaticitycorrections. The K band magnitudes are taken from the literature andfrom measurements by COBE, and are corrected for interstellar andcircumstellar extinction. The sample contains stars of several spectraltypes: M, S and C, and of several variability classes: Mira, semiregularSRa, and SRb. We find that the distribution of stars in theperiod-luminosity plane is independent of circumstellar chemistry, butthat the different variability types have different P-L distributions.Both the Mira variables and the SRb variables have reasonablywell-defined period-luminosity relationships, but with very differentslopes. The SRa variables are distributed between the two classes,suggesting that they are a mixture of Miras and SRb, rather than aseparate class of stars. New period-luminosity relationships are derivedbased on our revised Hipparcos parallaxes. The Miras show a similarperiod-luminosity relationship to that found for Large Magellanic CloudMiras by Feast et al. (\cite{Feast-1989:a}). The maximum absolute Kmagnitude of the sample is about -8.2 for both Miras and semi-regularstars, only slightly fainter than the expected AGB limit. We show thatthe stars with the longest periods (P>400 d) have high mass lossrates and are almost all Mira variables.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA \cite{Hipparcos}).Table \ref{Tab:data1} is only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/403/993

Hipparcos red stars in the HpV_T2 and V I_C systems
For Hipparcos M, S, and C spectral type stars, we provide calibratedinstantaneous (epoch) Cousins V - I color indices using newly derivedHpV_T2 photometry. Three new sets of ground-based Cousins V I data havebeen obtained for more than 170 carbon and red M giants. These datasetsin combination with the published sources of V I photometry served toobtain the calibration curves linking Hipparcos/Tycho Hp-V_T2 with theCousins V - I index. In total, 321 carbon stars and 4464 M- and S-typestars have new V - I indices. The standard error of the mean V - I isabout 0.1 mag or better down to Hp~9 although it deteriorates rapidly atfainter magnitudes. These V - I indices can be used to verify thepublished Hipparcos V - I color indices. Thus, we have identified ahandful of new cases where, instead of the real target, a random fieldstar has been observed. A considerable fraction of the DMSA/C and DMSA/Vsolutions for red stars appear not to be warranted. Most likely suchspurious solutions may originate from usage of a heavily biased color inthe astrometric processing.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA 1997).}\fnmsep\thanks{Table 7 is onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/397/997

Period Change in S Sextantis
We present a wavelet time series analysis of the star S Sextantis. Thedominant period is shown to have varied over the past 90 years, thoughthis variation has not been monotonic. We suggest that this star maybelong to the class of "meandering Miras."

S Orionis: A Mira-type variable with a marked period decrease
We studied the pulsational period of the Mira star S Orionis based onvisual observations that cover a total of 71 years. We found that theperiod decreased markedly from around 445 days to 397 days inapproximately 16 years, between JD 2438000 and JD 2444000. The rate ofthis period variation was of the order of 0.007 day/day, too fast forthe usual variations observed in most Mira variables. This result is ingood agreement with the theoretical models that suggest a helium-shellflash as the cause of these large-period variations. In particular, thevariation of the period and luminosity indicates that this Mira star maynow be in an immediate post-primary helium-shell flash state.

Aus der Sektion Mirasterne.
Not Available

Astrophysics in 2000
It was a year in which some topics selected themselves as importantthrough the sheer numbers of papers published. These include theconnection(s) between galaxies with active central engines and galaxieswith starbursts, the transition from asymptotic giant branch stars towhite dwarfs, gamma-ray bursters, solar data from three major satellitemissions, and the cosmological parameters, including dark matter andvery large scale structure. Several sections are oriented aroundprocesses-accretion, collimation, mergers, and disruptions-shared by anumber of kinds of stars and galaxies. And, of course, there are theusual frivolities of errors, omissions, exceptions, and inventories.

Long period variable stars: galactic populations and infrared luminosity calibrations
In this paper HIPPARCOS astrometric and kinematic data are used tocalibrate both infrared luminosities and kinematical parameters of LongPeriod Variable stars (LPVs). Individual absolute K and IRAS 12 and 25luminosities of 800 LPVs are determined and made available in electronicform. The estimated mean kinematics is analyzed in terms of galacticpopulations. LPVs are found to belong to galactic populations rangingfrom the thin disk to the extended disk. An age range and a lower limitof the initial mass is given for stars of each population. A differenceof 1.3 mag in K for the upper limit of the Asymptotic Giant Branch isfound between the disk and old disk galactic populations, confirming itsdependence on the mass in the main sequence. LPVs with a thin envelopeare distinguished using the estimated mean IRAS luminosities. The levelof attraction (in the classification sense) of each group for the usualclassifying parameters of LPVs (variability and spectral types) isexamined. Table only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/374/968 or via ASTRIDdatabase (http://astrid.graal.univ-montp2.fr).

First Byurakan Spectral Sky Survey. Stars of Late Spectral Types. XII. Zone -3° <= ? <= +1°
The twelfth list of faint late M and carbon type stars detected on theplates of the First Byurakan Spectral Survey in zone -3° +1°covering about 1070 sq. degrees is presented. From 86 detected stars, 57are newly discovered objects: they are 3 R-type carbon stars, 2 carbonstar candidates and 52 M-type stars. Among the latter 34 (28 PSC + 6FSC) are unclassified IRAS sources. Equatorial coordinates, spectralclasses, color indices, and red magnitudes determined from the PalomarE-charts are presented.

R Centauri: An Unusual Mira Variable in a He-Shell Flash
We present an analysis of AAVSO visual observations of the Mira variableR Cen from 1918 to 2000. The period of the dominant mode has beensteadily decreasing from 550 days at JD 2,434,000 (1951) to its presentvalue of 505-510 days. In the same interval, the pulsational amplitudehas decreased by 3 mag, from 5.5-11.8 V to 6.3-9.1 V. We suggest thatboth are caused by a He-shell flash, as the period decrease is similarto that of other He-shell flash stars such as R Hya, R Aql, and T UMi.The period change is consistent with the luminosity drop expectedimmediately after the flash, as predicted by He-shell flash models forstars of 2-3 Msolar or less. The light curve shows thefamiliar pattern of alternating deep and shallow minima, giving theappearance of double maxima. While the amplitude of the main mode hasdecreased 3 mag in the last 50 years, the amplitude of the secondarymode near 274 days has remained almost constant, so that the doublemaxima have nearly vanished from the light curve in recent years. Thepower spectrum between 1930 and 1966 shows harmonics up to 8 times themain frequency at 1/548 cycle day-1. The most likelyexplanation for the double-peaked light curve is a resonance between twomodes.

Beobachtungsergebnisse Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veraenderliche Sterne e.V.
Not Available

Stars with the Largest Hipparcos Photometric Amplitudes
A list of the 2027 stars that have the largest photometric amplitudes inHipparcos Photometry shows that most variable stars are all Miras. Thepercentage of variable types change as a function of amplitude. Thiscompilation should also be of value to photometrists looking forrelatively unstudied, but large amplitude stars.

Infrared colours for Mira-like long-period variables found in the (Mȯ<~10-7 Msolar yr-1) Hipparcos Catalogue
Near-infrared, JHKL, photometry is presented for 193 Mira andsemi-regular variables that were observed by Hipparcos; periods,bolometric magnitudes and amplitudes are derived for 92 of them. Becauseof the way in which the Hipparcos targets were selected, this group ofstars provides a useful data base of Miras with low mass-loss rates(Mȯ<~10-7Msolaryr-1).Various period-colour relationships are discussed in detail. The colour,particularly BCK = 10.86 - 38.10 K (J - K)0 +64.16(J - K)20 - 50.72(J -K)30 + 19, K-L, at a given period is found todepend on the pulsation amplitude of the star. A comparison with modelssuggests that this is a consequence of atmospheric extension, in thesense that large-amplitude pulsators have very extended atmospheres andredder Mȯ<10-7Msolaryr-1, K-L and H-K but bluerJ-H than their lower amplitude counterparts. The stars with veryextended atmospheres also have higher values of K-[12] and hence highermass-loss rates. This finding provides further evidence for the causalconnection between pulsation and mass loss. Two sequences are identifiedin the Hp-K versus logP diagram (where Hp is the Hipparcos broad-bandmagnitude) at short periods (logP<2.35). At a given period these twogroups have, on average, the same pulsation amplitude, but differentJHKL colours and spectral types. The short-period stars in the bluersequence have similar near-infrared colours to the Miras found inglobular clusters. Long-term trends in the infrared light curves arediscussed for stars that have sufficient data.

Mira kinematics from Hipparcos data: a Galactic bar to beyond the Solar circle
The space motions of Mira variables are derived from radial velocities,Hipparcos proper motions and a period-luminosity relation. Thepreviously known dependence of Mira kinematics on the period ofpulsation is confirmed and refined. In addition, it is found that Miraswith periods in the range 145-200d in the general Solar neighbourhoodhave a net radial outward motion from the Galactic Centre of75+/-18kms-1. This, together with a lag behind the circularvelocity of Galactic rotation of 98+/-19kms-1, is interpretedas evidence for an elongation of their orbits, with their major axesaligned at an angle of ~17° with the Sun-Galactic Centre line,towards positive Galactic longitudes. This concentration seems to be acontinuation to the Solar circle and beyond of the bar-like structure ofthe Galactic bulge, with the orbits of some local Miras probablypenetrating into the bulge. These conclusions are not sensitive to thedistance scale adopted. A further analysis is given of the short-period(SP) red group of Miras discussed in companion papers in this series. InAppendix A the mean radial velocities and other data for 842 oxygen-richMira-like variables are tabulated. These velocities were derived frompublished optical and radio observations.

Strong period decrease in the Mira star S Sex: a possible helium-shell flash
Analysis of visual observations of the Mira-type variable star S Sexshowed that the period of pulsation has decreased strongly since 1984from 264.8 days to 249.4 days. The cycle length variations were testedby the method of contingency tables and by the span test, so that randomor accumulative errors in the period variation were excluded. Ourresults are in good agreement with the theoretical models that suggestperiod decreases due to a flash in the helium-burning shell. The greatrate of period change shown by S Sex suggests that this Mira star maynow be in an immediate post primary helium-shell flash state.

Period-Luminosity-Colour distribution and classification of Galactic oxygen-rich LPVs. I. Luminosity calibrations
The absolute K magnitudes and kinematic parameters of about 350oxygen-rich Long-Period Variable stars are calibrated, by means of anup-to-date maximum-likelihood method, using Hipparcos parallaxes andproper motions together with radial velocities and, as additional data,periods and V-K colour indices. Four groups, differing by theirkinematics and mean magnitudes, are found. For each of them, we alsoobtain the distributions of magnitude, period and de-reddened colour ofthe base population, as well as de-biased period-luminosity-colourrelations and their two-dimensional projections. The SRa semiregulars donot seem to constitute a separate class of LPVs. The SRb appear tobelong to two populations of different ages. In a PL diagram, theyconstitute two evolutionary sequences towards the Mira stage. The Mirasof the disk appear to pulsate on a lower-order mode. The slopes of theirde-biased PL and PC relations are found to be very different from theones of the Oxygen Miras of the LMC. This suggests that a significantnumber of so-called Miras of the LMC are misclassified. This alsosuggests that the Miras of the LMC do not constitute a homogeneousgroup, but include a significant proportion of metal-deficient stars,suggesting a relatively smooth star formation history. As a consequence,one may not trivially transpose the LMC period-luminosity relation fromone galaxy to the other Based on data from the Hipparcos astrometrysatellite. Appendix B is only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Mean light curves of long-period variables and discrimination between carbon- and oxygen-rich stars
Using 75 years of AAVSO data, mean light curve parameters of a sample of355 long period M, S, and C mira and semi-regular variable stars areinvestigated. We present a classification of the light curves of LPVsinto 6 distinct groups. Combining this classification with IRAS colorsmakes it possible to distinguish oxygen-rich from carbon-rich miras.Table 2 is only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymousftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Absolute magnitudes and kinematics of oxygen Mira variables.
A new maximum likelihood method, using apparent magnitudes, propermotions and radial velocities, has been applied to a sample of 90 Mirastars extracted from the HIPPARCOS Input Catalogue (INCA) to determineabsolute magnitudes and kinematics. Using this new method threedifferent groups of Mira stars have been identified in the sample, withdifferent luminosities, kinematics and scale height. Two of them arewell determined and are identified respectively with the old diskpopulation and the extended thick disk-halo population. The third one istoo small and peculiar and its identification has to be left for furtherstudies. Using these results the stars of the sample are classified intothe groups and their distances are estimated. These distances arecompared with independent determinations obtained from K-band andnear-infrared narrow band photometry.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Short- and intermediate-period oxygen-rich Miras
Available IR photometry and the period-IR luminosity relationship areused to analyze a nearly complete sample of oxygen-rich Miras atGalactic latitudes with /b/ greater than 30 deg. In agreement withprevious kinematic studies, a marked difference is found in the spatialdistributions between the stars with periods less than and those withperiods greater than 300 d. For stars with periods in the range 300-400d, the exponential scale height from the Galactic plane is close to 240pc, the projected surface density is about 100/sq kpc, and the localspace density is about 210/cu kpc. The progenitors of the Miras withperiods greater than 300 d appear to be disk dwarfs with typicalmain-sequence masses of between 1.0 and 1.2 solar masses. The masses ofthe main-sequence progenitors of the short-period Miras are 1.1 solarmasses or less. The duration of the Mira phase for theintermediate-period stars is estimated to be about 20,000 yr, somewhatlonger than other recent estimates. Both short- and intermediate-periodoxygen-rich Miras characteristically lose mass at about 10 exp -7 solarmass/yr.

Maxima and minima of long period variables, 1949-1975
Not Available

Criteria for OH maser emission from circumstellar envelopes of oxygen-rich Mira-type red giants
A large and representative sample of oxygen-rich Mira stars was selectedand observed in the 18 cm OH lines at their optical maximum. A total of14 new OH sources were detected. The OH maser emission is found in theintrinsically bright far-IR objects with late M spectral type. Othercharacteristics of the Miras are high (H-K) and (K-L) colors. Theirperiods are on average longer and their (25-12) colors on average redderthan those of non-OH Miras. The (J-H) and (60-25) colors are the samefor OH and non-OH stars. In most cases, OH and H2O masers existsimultaneously. The observed stars form a sequence along which theperiod and the stellar luminosity increase, the stellar radiusincreases, the dust shell radius increases by a smaller factor, thephotospheric temperature decreases but the dust shell temperature isroughly constant, and the mass loss rate and thus the thickness and thebrighntess of the envelope increase considerably.

Classification of Mira variables based on visual light curve shape
The paper presents classifications of 368 Mira variables of M, S and Cspectral classes based on the shape of their visual light curve. Theclassification is esentially based on Ludendorff's (1928) scheme and thelight curves used are mainly from the compilation of Campbell (1955).The distribution of light curves over period, mean amplitude, lightcurve asymmetry factor, period variability, and spectral class atmaximum is discussed.

A classification of miras from their visual and near-infrared light curves - an attempt to correlate them with their evolution
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1985A&A...144..463M&db_key=AST

Kinematics and ages of Mira variables in the greater solar neighborhood
The kinematical information at hand for 124 Mira variables in thegreater solar neighborhood leads to a new assessment of the galacticvelocity components of each star relative to local circular velocity,and period-spectrum data for the same stars lead to an estimate of theirindividual main sequence masses and ages. The U, V, and W velocitydispersions are larger for the oldest group of Miras. A comparison ofthese results with previous investigations of the motions of mainsequence stars, in view of two major selection effects, yields goodaccord between the kinematical properties of the two groups. A study ofthe motions of planetary nebulae in the greater solar neighborhood leadsto the conclusions that the star-spawning interstellar clouds haveapparently undergone a slow and largely linear collapse toward thegalactic plane, and that the rotary motions of the interstellar mediumin the plane have slowly but steadily become less eccentric.

Infrared photometry of late type stars.
Not Available

A study of Mira variables - Implications of OH stars and galactic evolution
A maximum likelihood method has been used to study the properties oftype I OH Mira variables and the kinematical evolution of the Galaxy.The method takes into account dispersion in magnitude and employs propermotions and radial velocities. The V-I excess of type I OH stars withrespect to non OH stars is confirmed, and interpreted in terms of a hot,circumstellar disk around the OH Mira variables. The results support thenotion of a gradual flattening of the Galaxy as proposed by theories ofcollisional collapse.

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:10h34m56.05s
Apparent magnitude:10.419
Proper motion RA:1.5
Proper motion Dec:-3.9
B-T magnitude:11.979
V-T magnitude:10.548

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 91637
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 4912-598-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0825-07245236
HIPHIP 51791

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