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HD 101310




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A homogeneous catalog of new UBV and H-beta photometry of B- and A-type stars in and around the Scorpius-Centaurus OB association
B- and A-type stars in and near the Sco-Cen OB association areinvestigated with UBV and H-beta photometry to acquire data relevant tothe luminosity function of Sco-Cen. The measurements generally consistof two 10-s integrations of U, B, V, (W, N) filters, and theobservations are corrected iteratively for atmospheric extinction andinstrumental response. The data presented give the mean V magnitude,mean B-V, mean U-B, and the estimated uncertainties for these values.The catalog provides a homogeneous catalog of data for a large fieldwith stellar objects delineating membership to the association Sco-Cenand that affect the luminosity function of the aggregate.

A photometric study of the very short period eclipsing binary EH Hydrae
Recent Johnson-Cousins' B,V,Rc,Ic photoelectric observations of the veryshort period W UMa variable, EH Hya, are presented. These observationswere made, using the Yale 1M telescope and the dry-ice-cooled HamamatsuGa-As PMT at Cerro Tololo Inter-Americal Observatory. The light curvesreveal that the eclipses are total, and that the primary eclipse is anoccultation. Thus, the system is of W-type, with the larger componentbeing the cooler. Standard magnitudes were determined, and a reddeningestimate was made. A simultaneous solution of the B,V,R light curves wascomputed using the Wilson-Devinney (1971) synthetic light curve code.The solution indicates that the system consists of two late G-type starsin shallow contact with a fill-out factor of 12 percent. The differencein component temperatures is 336(8) K and the mass ratio is ratherextreme, being 0.314(2). EH Hya is compared to other very short periodbinaries of late G-type, and they are found to comprise a fairlyhomogenous group with regards to mass ratios, degree of thermal contact,and magnetic activity.

A survey of stars with composite spectra.
Not Available



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距离:335.57 天文距离
B-T magnitude:9.208
V-T magnitude:8.522

适当名称   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 101310
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 8227-1786-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0375-14184009
HIPHIP 56842

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